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Find all our tips and tricks for getting the most out of Sea Service below.

Sea Service is a straightforward way to record your service record straight from your phone. Currently available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, get started today under a free trial plan and simplify the way you record your days at sea. Download it here today.

Recording a Day

Recording an entry is simple:


  • Select the day you would like to complete

  • Tap on the tiles which describes your day (At Sea/In Port)

  • Designate watch keeping or standby activity 

  • Enter the text fields applicable to the day

  • Tap Save

Days are saved and the colour blip underneath the completed day will light up as green (for In Port) and blue (for At Sea) as an easy reference. To maintain a complete record, all fields have to be completed, with the 'Optional Entry' being the only entry that can be left blank.

Multiple Days at Once

You are able to complete multiple days at once for crossings or long periods spent at anchor or in port.


  • Tap the calendar month on the top right

  • Select which days you would like to complete

    • Tapping a day will select it, tapping again will select a range from the first day to the second selected day​

  • Complete the form as usual 

    • Note that for mileage when underway, distance is captured in a 24h format when recording your entry. This means you can either log your mileage daily, at noon for example, or divide your total trip distance by the number of days of the voyage.

  • Tap Save

Multiple day entries will overwrite any pre-existing data, so ensure your range of days selected is accurate.  

Quick Action Menu

To open the quick action menu, press the three green dots to present the following actions:


Same As Yesterday

  • A quick and easy way to repeat yesterday's entry. Useful for long periods spent at anchor, underway or in port when recording multiple days is not appropriate.


Copy & Paste

  • Useful for re-using old entries for identical voyages.



  • The delete function, for clearing incorrect or test entries.


Entries made using the quick action menu will only copy day-specific data and will not overwrite or transfer the signed on vessel and position of the copied entry. This means you can use previous entries from other vessels without having to reconfigure the vessel and your current position.

Signing On & Off

Before making an entry, you can select your current vessel and your signed on position. To change either of these, tap on the vessel name or position.



You can select any vessel you have added to your profile through the 'Manage Vessels' screen in the 'Profile' page. 


In this drop down menu, you can also 'Sign Off'. This is useful when leaving a ship. Selecting this mode will stop daily notifications, with the option to enter a return date to reactivate daily reminders. If you do not select a return date, you will not receive a reminder notification and continue to be signed off for everyday that passes until you select a vessel again.



In this menu, you can select your position. The position list is based on your 'Department' select under 'Personal Details' in the 'Profile' page. 

Have we missed something?

We are constantly looking to improve our platform. If you have any suggestions for future features or improvements, we would love to hear them. You can get in touch via or simply use the website chat to send through a suggestion, question or ask for assistance with any issues with using Sea Service.

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